July 13 Reorganizational Agenda



Reorganizational Meeting

July 13, 2020

6:30p.m.  Reorganization Meeting

Regular Board Meeting Immediately Following

Presiding – Clerk of the Board

A.  The Clerk administers the Oath of Office to William Nevins, re-elected to a five-year term on the Board of Education. 

The Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Nevins.

Mr. Nevins: I do

B.  Election of Board officers

The Clerk entertained nominations for President of the Board of Education.

 Mrs. Jaskula made a motion seconded by Mr. Diefenderfer to nominate Mr. Masline as President of the Board of Education.

The Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Masline.

Mr. Masline: I do.

The Clerk entertained nominations for Vice-President of the Board of Education. 

Mrs. Jaskula made a motion seconded by Mr. Diefenderfer to nominate Mr. Nevins as the Vice- President of the Board of Education.

The Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Nevins.

Mr. Nevins: I do


C.  Superintendent of Schools

The Clerk administers the Oath of Office to Dr. Maureen A. Long, Superintendent of Schools.

Dr. Long: I do


Turn meeting back over to the president

D.  Appointment of school district officers

    The following school district officers are recommended for the 2020-2021 school year:

  1.  School Business Manager/District Treasurer (Kathy Cietek)
  2.  Deputy Treasurer (Jennifer Cannavo)- Check Signer
  3.   District Clerk (Jeanne Mentiply)
  4.   Data Protection Officer (Dr. Maureen A. Long)
  5.   Data Privacy Officer (Dr. Maureen A. Long)
  6.   Medicaid Compliance Officer:(Meghan Amatrano)

Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the above-listed appointments for the 2020-2021 school year.

Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4

Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0



The Superintendent administered the Oath of Office to the District Officers listed.

All in attendance reply I do. Ms. Amatrano will be given the Oath when she is available.


E. Appointments

The following appointments are recommended for the 2020-2021 school year:


School Physician:  Koinonia Primary Care, Inc.(Dr. Robert Paeglow, M.D) to serve as health care professionals with an annual contract of $1,000 per year.  


Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education. 



  • Meghan Amatrano      Chairperson
  • Jennifer Cannavo          Principal
  • Robert Paeglow, MD   School Physician
  • Heather Aragona         Speech and Language Teacher
  • Meghan Amatrano      School Psychologist
  • Michele Ervin                 Special Education Teacher
  • Yvonne Dungan           Special Education Teacher
  • Kate Wasserman        Special Education Teacher



  • Meghan Amatrano    Chairperson
  • Jennifer Cannavo        Principal
  • (Varies) Albany County Representative
  • (Varies) Special Education Teacher




  • Paula Brennan
  • Joe Kelley
  • Chuck Price

Hearing Officer:  The Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District will follow the State regulations when an impartial hearing officer is needed for CSE/CPSE.

  • Title IX Coordinator:  Rachel Rissetto 
  • Title IX Investigators:  Rachel Rissetto and Jennifer Cannavo
  • Section 504 Compliance Coordinator: Meghan Amatrano
  • ADA Act Designee: Meghan Amatrano
  • Dignity for All Schools Act Coordinators:  Jennifer Cannavo and Cheri VandenBerg.
  • Central Treasurer of the Extra-Curricular Activities Fund: Jeanne Mentiply
  • Purchasing Agent: Maureen Long 
  • Deputy Purchasing Agent:Jennifer Cannavo 
  • Chemical Hygiene Officer- Lorenz Herrmann
  • Records Access Officer: Kathy Cietek 
  • Records Management Officer:  Kathy Cietek
  • McKinney-Vento Liaison:  Cheri VandenBerg 
  • Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Designee/School Pesticide Officer – Jose Calderon
  • Claims Auditor:  Michael Wolff per enclosed contract.
  • Legal Counsel:  Guercio & Guercio, LLP  per enclosed contract.
  • Auditors:  West & Company Independent Auditors.


Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the above-listed appointments for the 2020-2021 school year.


    Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer Ayes: 4

    Second: Mrs. Wilson Nays: 0


F.  Designations

The following designations are recommended for the 2020-2021 school year:

That the regular monthly meeting of the Menands School Board of Education will be held on the following dates at 6:30 p.m.

  • September 14 (2nd  Monday) March 8 (2nd Monday)
  • October 13 (2nd Tuesday) April 28 (4th Wednesday)
  • November 9 (2nd Monday) May 10 (2nd Monday)
  • December 14 (2nd Monday) June 14 (2nd Monday)
  • January 11 (2nd Monday) July 12 (2nd Monday)
  • February 8 (2nd Monday) August 9 (2nd Monday)


That KeyBank be the official depository.

That the Times Union be the official newspaper.

That the Superintendent and staff be authorized to prepare and submit applications for federal programs and to accept federal monies that may result from the filing of such applications, with acceptance being subject to final approval by the Board of Education.  The person designated to execute Public Law 81-874 for the district will be the Superintendent of Schools.


That the mileage rate for approved use of a personal vehicle for schoolbusiness be set at the fixed rate allowed by the IRS.

Resolution BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve designations as listed for the 2020-2021 school year.

  Motion: Mrs. Wilson Ayes: 4

  Second: Mr. Nevins Nays: 0


G.  Authorizations

The following authorizations are recommended for the 2020-2021 school year:


That the Superintendent, and the School Business Manager/ District Treasurer in the absence of the Superintendent, certify payroll.


That the Superintendent, and the Deputy Purchasing Agent in the absence of the Superintendent, approve purchase orders as the purchasing agent.

That the Superintendent be approved to authorize contracts for the school district up to a limit of $10,000.

To establish a General Fund petty cash account in the amount of $100 and designate Susan McCormick as the custodian of the petty cash account.  The Superintendent must approve expenditures from this account.

That the District will hold membership in New York State School Boards Association, Capital District School Development Association, New York State Association of School Business Officials and New York State Council of School Superintendents.

Approve the Superintendent’s attendance at District Superintendents’ meetings and authorize the Superintendent to approve the attendance of other employees at conferences. For the Superintendent to make necessary intra fund and inter fund budget transfers to a limit of $10,000.


Resolution BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the above listed authorizations for the 2020-2021 school year.


Motion: Mr. Nevins  Ayes: 4

Second: Mrs. Jaskula Nays: 0

H.  Bonding of personnel

The following bonding of personnel is in effect for the 2020-2021 school year:

The School Business Manager/District Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer are bonded in the amount of  $1,000,000.


All employees are bonded in the amount of $1,000,000.

Resolution BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School 

District approve the bonding limits as listed.

Motion: Mrs. Jaskula Ayes: 4

 Second: Mr. Diefenderfer Nays: 0

* Back to regular meeting Agenda #8


*  All minutes of Board of Education meetings are recorded and become public record upon approval by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Jeanne Mentiply

District Clerk