May 9, 2022 Minutes

Menands Union Free School District

Board of Education

May 9, 2022

5:30 Budget Hearing

6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting

 Livestream / Video Conferencing

PLEASE NOTE:  During the Public Comment Sessions, members of the community may address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items.  The Board President may limit remarks of individual speakers to a reasonable time.  Speakers must identify themselves and the topic on which they would like to make remarks.  


1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER                              Time: 6:30


Motion: Mrs. Jaskula         Ayes: 5

Second: Mrs. Delancy   Nays: 0 


  • Mr. Nevins     Present
  • Mr. Raman     Present
  • Mrs. Delancy   Present
  • Mrs. Jaskula     Present
  • Mr. Diefenderfer  Present



Just a reminder for those members of the public in attendance.  This is one of 

two opportunities afforded members of the public to comment on or inquire about agenda items. Members of the public also have an opportunity at the end of the evening’s agenda  to comment on matters not formally noted on the agenda.  We appreciate everyone’s cooperation. 

No comments


BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District accept  the minutes of the April 27, 2022 meeting. 

Motion: Mrs. Jaskula         Ayes: 5

Second: Mr. Diefenderfer   Nays: 0 


Thank you card from the Yearbook Club


I.   Business Office- Non-Action Items

Enclosed for the information of the Board are copies of the following warrants and the claims auditor report for the month of April 2022:

Fund A Amount

Warrant #48 $199,260.65

Warrant #50 $175,728.20

II.    Business Office for Approval 

Mr. Diefenderfer asked for a motion to approve consent agenda items A-C.

Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer         Ayes: 5

Second: Mr. Raman   Nays: 0 

A. Budget Transfers – April 2022

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the enclosed budget transfers for April 2022. 

B. Treasurer’s Report 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of April 2022.

C.  Class Trip Request – Grade 8

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the request of the 8th grade Class Officer Advisor to go on a class trip to Camp Chingachgook on May 24, 2022.


A.  First Reading of Policies

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District, upon recommendation of the Policy Committee, approve the first reading of the following policies.

  • 4000 Student Learning Standards And Instructional Guidelines
  • 4311.1 Display of the Flag
  • 4321.12 Use of Time Out Rooms, Physical Restraints and Aversives
  • 4511  Textbook Selection and Adoption
  • 4531 Field Trips And Excursions

Motion: Mr. Raman         Ayes: 5

Second: Mrs. Delancy   Nays: 0 

B. Final Reading of Policies

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District, upon recommendation of the Policy Committee, approve the final reading of the following policies.

a.   3160 Evaluation of the Superintendent
b.  4200 Curriculum Management

c.  4315.1 Aids Instruction

d. 4321.3 Allocation of Space for Special Education Programs

Motion: Mrs. Delancy         Ayes: 5

Second: Mrs. Jaskula   Nays: 0 

Mr. Nevins thanked the policy committee for all of their work that they have done. 


          Mrs. Jaskula asked for a motion to approve consent agenda items A-C

Motion: Mrs. Jaskula         Ayes: 5

Second: Mr. Diefenderfer   Nays: 0 

I.  Appointments

A.   Provisional Keyboard Specialist- LaShanda Harrington

BE IT RESOLVED that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent the Board of  Education of the Menands Union Free School District hereby appoints LaShanda Harrington as a Provisional Keyboard Specialist in the competitive class of the civil Service. Salary will be in accordance with the enclosed Annual Acknowledgement. 


B.  Substitute Teachers – Fully Cleared

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the following substitute teachers for the 2021-2022 school year.

  • Samuel Evans
  • Morgan Philips
  • Matthew Goodwine
  • Seja Stubblefield
  • Connor McCagg

C.  Clubs/Sports/Other Stipends

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the following staff members compensation for the 2021-2022 school year for work performed outside of the regular school day as per the attached spreadsheet. 


A.   CSE/CPSE Recommendations 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the CSE/CPSE recommendations as submitted.

Motion: Mr. Diefenderfer         Ayes: 5

Second: Mr. Raman   Nays: 0 

B. Health Services Contract  

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Menands Union Free School District approve the 2021-2022 Health Services Contracts for students  attending private or parochial schools as listed. 

Enclosed please find copies of the 2021-2022 Health Services Contracts for students  attending private or parochial schools in the following districts:

  • North Greenbush Central School District- (3) students in the amount of $824.31.
  • South Colonie School District- (4) student in the amount of $3,281.16.
    East Greenbush Central School District- (6) students in the amount of $5,284.50.
  • Averill Park Central School District- (1) students in the amount of $607.91.
  • Lansingburgh Central School District- (2) students in the amount of $1,516.36.
    Rensselaer Central School District- (1) students in the amount of $756.40.
                                       *The residence of the students has been verified.

Motion: Mr. Raman         Ayes: 5

Second: Mrs. Delancy   Nays: 0 


Class Size Update as of 5/3/2022:

          Kdg. – 33(split) Gr. 5 -27 (split)        Pre K- 16

Gr. 1 – 30(split) Gr. 6 – 23 

Gr. 2 – 44(split) Gr. 7 – 36 (split)

Gr. 3 – 38 (split)        Gr. 8 – 30 (split)

Gr. 4 – 27 Total – 288  (304 with pre K)


  • Evening of the Arts- Dr. Long said she is excited to be able to have the Evening of the Arts in person once again. She said that it is nice to see the kids artwork and their excitement. She thanked Mrs. Testo and Mrs. Hayes for all of their hard work and dedication to make the show a success.
  • Committee Work- Dr. Long wanted to commend the policy committee and all of the committees for all the work that they have completed this year. She would like to see the plan adopted in July. Dr. Long thanked staff, community, the BOE members and administration for working hard to make this happen.
  • Story Walk- Dr. Long said that they just put a new book up on the trail and she is hearing good things. She thanked the village, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Malkiewicz along with the students in the club that have been doing the work to get the story books ready for the trail. 


  •   Brooks BBQ- Camp Trip-Mrs. Cannavo said that the Brooks BBQ was very successful. She thanked Mr. Nevins for buying any leftovers dinners. The money will help pay for the class trip to camp Chingachgook in May.
  •   PTA Fun Night- Mrs. Cannavo thanked the PTA for hosting the fun night. She said that the kids really enjoyed it. She also thanked Ms. West for running the bookfair that evening. The bookfair was a great success.
  • Author Visit- Mrs. Cannavo said that they will have an author visit by local author John Gray and his book will be highlighted on the story walk trail. Also, author Jeanine  De Tillio Cammarata will be talking about writing journals to encourage creative writing. Ms. Cannavo thanked the PTA for providing journals for the kids.


  • Budget Vote May 17, 2022 – 12-8 pm
  • Evening of the Arts May 17, 2022 
  • School Closed Friday May 26, 2022 and May 29, 2022- for Memorial Day
  • Field Day  Friday June 10th. Rain date will be Monday June 13th.
  • Next Board of Education Meeting- Monday June 13th at 6:30 p.m.


Mrs. Jaskula said that she would like to have information presented in regards to the Green Initiative, Solar energy and what other options are available. Dr. Long said that could be added to an upcoming agenda. 

Mr. Nevins acknowledged Teacher Appreciation Day. He thanked everyone for their dedication to the students of Menands.

Mr. Nevins asked if changing the start of the board meeting from 6:30 to 6:00 could be discussed at a future meeting. It will be added to the discussion items for June.


PLEASE NOTE:  During the Public Comment Sessions, members of the community may address the Board on agenda and non-agenda items.  The Board President may limit remarks of individual speakers to a reasonable time.  Speakers must identify themselves and the topic on which they would like to make remarks.

Ms. Mercado asked if graduation information was available. Dr. Long said the information would be going out this week.

Mr. Hoffman, co-chair of Menands CYO basketball, was looking for information about building use for the program. Dr. Long informed him to reach out to Ms. Mentiply for more information. 


*All minutes of Board of Education meetings are recorded and become public record upon approval by the Board.