2023-2024 Clubs and Activities

Trimester 3 Clubs

Menands School is excited to continue extracurricular clubs and sports this Spring for Grades 2-8. Club offerings occur after school on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays until 4:30 and bus transportation home is available. Please see the club description for further details.

Please note:  If your child participated in a club in the 2nd trimester that is also offered in the 3rd trimester they must sign up again. This is to optimize club participation for all students.

If a club meets its maximum capacity, all students who signed up for the club will be put into a lottery system. Through this system, students will be randomly selected to participate in the club. Those who are not selected will be notified through the parent email submitted during sign-ups. 

Links for each club will be posted when sign-ups are available.

Please read before signing up! Due to students being signed up for multiple clubs on the same days last trimester, we are now doing sign-ups for each day of the week. When you open the form for each day you will see that there is a first choice, second choice, and third choice option. This is so that if your student doesn’t get randomly selected for their 1st choice we have another option for them. Like always, our main goal is to get children involved in an extracurricular they are interested in. 



  • Track & Field – Grade 5-8
  • Intro to Photography – Grades 6-7
  • Story Club – Grades 5-8


  • Baton Twirling – Grades 2 & 3
  • Flag Football – Grades 5-8
  • Art Club – Grades 6-8
  • Anime – Grades 3-5
  • Sunshine Squad – Grades 4-6
  • Middle School Student Council – Grades 7 & 8


  • Baton Twirling – Grades 4 & 5
  • Yearbook – Grades 6-8
  • Track & Field – Grade 5-8


  • Flag Football – Grades 5-8


Intro To Photography

Third Trimester: Mondays
Grades 6-7
Advisors: Mrs. Slyer and Mrs. Trainor
Introduction to the methods of photography. Also, getting to know a DSLR camera and its functions and creating some digital images to showcase in the May Evening of the Arts.
Maximum number of participants is 6.



Third Trimester: Mondays 
Grades 5-8
Advisors: Mrs. Malkiewicz & Ms. Gibson
Story Club combines nature and literacy. Members work together to prepare books and question prompts to be placed in the Menands Nature Trail.
Maximum number of participants is 10.


Baton Twirling Grades 2 & 3

Third Trimester: Wednesdays
Grades 2 & 3
Advisors: Nurse Rosie
“What Is It?
Baton Twirling is a unique blend of artistry and sport.  Baton twirlers combine dance and gymnastics with the handling of a metal baton (or two or three!).  Baton twirlers learn how to keep one, two, and three batons all twirling while artistically interpreting the music they are twirling to.  They can also learn how to twirl their baton while staying in step with music if performing with a high school and/or college band.  
What Are the Benefits?
Baton twirling requires stamina, strength, flexibility, and accuracy.  It can promote/improve self-esteem, and self-discipline, build character, and form a healthy foundation for an active lifestyle.  It will also foster mental discipline and social relations.  Baton twirling teaches teamwork, discipline, commitment, hand-eye coordination, and sportsmanship through group participation.
Twirlers learn how to practice to master a new skill, how to set and achieve goals, and how to persevere through challenges. Becoming a baton twirler does not happen overnight and helps students understand the value of hard work and determination.  They learn how to perform under pressure and the joy of entertaining an audience with their skills.
Maximum number of participants is 8


Flag Football

Third Trimester: Wednesdays & Fridays
Grades 5-8
Advisors: Mr. Herrmann & Mr. Schweizer
Participants will participate in football skill development and inter-squad play throughout the trimester season. Most participants will typically play in 1-2 games per week during the season. Participants will need to come ready to play outside on most afternoons.
Maximum number of participants is 40


Art Club

Third Trimester: Wednesdays
Grades 6-8
Advisor: Mr. Gottcent
For students who have a passion and interest in Fine Art, students will be able to work on more challenging projects outside of their class time. These can include portraits, figure drawing, still lives as well as experimentation with new materials.
Maximum number of participants is 8.


Anime Club

Third Trimester: Wednesdays
Grades 3-5
Advisors: Mrs. Catini
The anime club will provide students with a chance to speak about their favorite animes with their schoolmates. In addition to being with like-minded anime fans, students will learn about the history of anime, create manga, cosplay, and act out their favorite scenes. Students on occasion will watch an age-appropriate anime. 
Maximum number of participants is 10.


Sunshine Squad

Third Trimester: Wednesdays
Grades 4-6
Advisors: Mrs. Hall & Ms. McQuade
The Sunshine Squad’s mission is to unite students and create a positive environment that the entire school can benefit from by spreading random acts of kindness and creating a kindness movement. 
Maximum number of participants is 20.


Baton Twirling Grades 4 & 5

Third Trimester: Thursdays
Grades 4 & 5
Advisors: Nurse Rosie
“What Is It?
Baton Twirling is a unique blend of artistry and sport.  Baton twirlers combine dance and gymnastics with the handling of a metal baton (or two or three!).  Baton twirlers learn how to keep one, two, and three batons all twirling while artistically interpreting the music they are twirling to.  They can also learn how to twirl their baton while staying in step with music if performing with a high school and/or college band.  
What Are the Benefits?
Baton twirling requires stamina, strength, flexibility, and accuracy.  It can promote/improve self-esteem, and self-discipline, build character, and form a healthy foundation for an active lifestyle.  It will also foster mental discipline and social relations.  Baton twirling teaches teamwork, discipline, commitment, hand-eye coordination, and sportsmanship through group participation.
Twirlers learn how to practice to master a new skill, how to set and achieve goals, and how to persevere through challenges. Becoming a baton twirler does not happen overnight and helps students understand the value of hard work and determination.  They learn how to perform under pressure and the joy of entertaining an audience with their skills.
Maximum number of participants is 8


Yearbook Club

Third Trimester: Thursdays
Grades 6-8
Advisors: Mrs. Stanton & Mrs. Wroblewski
Students will work collaboratively to create the 2023-2024 school yearbook electronically. Students will create announcements, send thank you notes, solicit photos, brainstorm page ideas, choose design layouts, and insert photos to create the completed yearbook. 
Maximum number of participants is 10.


Track and Field

Third Trimester: Mondays and Thursdays
Grades 5-8
Advisor: Ms. Ervin and Mr. Buskey
Philosophy:  Our mission is to provide a safe, supportive, and fun environment for athletes to have a positive and meaningful experience participating on a successful team. We will train the athletes to run, jump, and throw for 10 different events, our team welcomes all to join and makes no cuts, making it accessible to any student-athlete. We train hard, recover, and repeat. We also stress proper running mechanics through sprint drills and work on injury prevention through dynamic stretching.  Coaches truly care about the well-being of each athlete in achieving their own goals.   Through hard work, dedication, determination, and perseverance, both in the classroom and on the track, anything can happen, anything is possible! 

Club Sign Ups

Monday Club Sign-Up

Wednesday Club Sign-Up

Thursday Club Sign-Up